Day 57 - Boundaries

 Just a quick post to say - still going strong! Feeling firm in my not drinking resolve and it felt wonderful to start the New Year with a solid head start on my mission to banish alcohol from my life. I am sleeping better, feeling mentally and physically better and getting fitter week by week. It is so wonderful to feel these benefits as they help strengthen my resolve to keep moving forward on this path/

I do still get hit by anxiety (covid rates are horrific here and it is hard to see an end to this even in 2021) but I am trying to focus on all that is good, of which there is much, in my life. Going back to work brings back tired and old frustrations but I am working on being more firm on my boundaries. I am lucky that I have so much flexibility in working for myself but have a few repeat offender clients who cannot accept that I am not on call 24/7 - sigh!).

I saw something on instagram (my new favourite site for sober inspiration and adorable squirrels and other creatures) that said 'If you are not changing something, you are choosing it'. And on that note, I am moving to remove consistant boundary breakers from my client list. This causes me HUGE stress as I have always been a people pleaser and the thought of letting someone down/ the idea that someone will be upset with me fills me with panic. However, this year I am choosing to do things differently - my own mental health and sober journey is more important than anything else for me and my family, and removing people from my life who threaten that is an essential step. As hard as it is to do (gah - like breaking up with someone) I think my future self with thank me....and I am all about making her happy :)

So happy to be closing in on 2 months next week!



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