Day 31 - One month

 Yayyy, me! One month down the line I feel SO much better - both emotionally and physically. Just so glad I didn't play the waiting until 1 January game. And even though this time of year as is traditionally so alcohol flooded, I have found it relatively much easier to get going now rather than later. My work load is less, kid-load is less as they are on holiday and generally my mood is more relaxed. I have less on my plate and am lucky enough to indulge myself in a nap should the conscious world become too much to cope with at any point! I think I have done a great thing stopping now as hopefully by January I will be going strong (plus having survived a festive season first of no wine) and ready and hopeful to start the year. 

Last year this time I was planning an alcohol-free year that commenced on 1 Jan.....and ended on 10 Jan. So that was not a roaring success. In hindsight, I was doing the hard part right at the beginning of the year which was compounded by back to work and school stress and the post-holiday blues. My work always starts with a bang as I have hectic deadlines in Jan and Feb. Also planning a specific time-frame off alcohol never works (as I should well know) - one has to do the full-on life-changing mind-reprogramming commitment to have a chance of proper success.

I have binned 'Sober Curious' - just got too annoying on too many levels (may just be my issue but I draw the line at tarot cards and zodiac signs ;)) and am re-reading 'The Sober Revolution' which resonates with me far better. Clear and simple i.e. here are all the lovely sober rewards available for you to reap, it just requires one thing from you and one thing only - not touching alcohol ever again. Got it!!

Otherwise, I am motoring through Project Clear-out and donated a car load of stuff  today. It feels good to be creating some order in my home (even if, as I tidy one room, kids are very busy trashing another - sigh!) I just have to do some of the stuff removal under cover of night as some family members like to hold on tight to any and all possessions. Luckily they hardly ever notice that said possession has been disappeared - evil mommy. But it is necessary otherwise we will drown in STUFF. I do always keep the very special stuff but the grade 4 life size farm project, good grief - no way!

Public holiday here tomorrow and the plan is to head to the beach - so life is good!



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