Day 36 - Bunnies

Ugh, feeling grumpy and out of sorts this eve. Not feeling like drinking at all - just irritable, teary and I DO NOT want to socialise. I always find there is so much pressure to see people this time of year which makes me want to go lie down in a dark and quiet room. I am way more conscious this year than ever of my introvert nature which just gets completely overwhelmed by too much interaction (immediate family and all animals excluded). So I am using COVID as my alibi here. Actually quite a valid one - cases are climbing at an alarming rate as visitors pour in to our little holiday town. But some interactions cannot be avoided it being Xmas and all!

Have friends here from out of town from tomorrow through to Wed so trying to think of some low-risk activity for a meet-up. In the olden days would have been perfect opportunity for a long wine-filled lunch/ dinner - but for obvious reason (and the dratted virus, I want to avoid that). 

Then in-laws will be staying with us from 23rd to 25th December. That in itself is anxiety-provoking. FIL can be a handful (MIL is fine) - tad critical, judgy and often down-right rude. I don't think there is ever any malicious intention, more a lack of filter (although there is definitely an undertone of misogyny - sigh) it can be completely exhausting to be around. And the dear man parks his arse in the middle of the lounge from the moment he arrives until he leaves commenting on my every move and referring to me in the 3rd person ("Oh! She is finally up!" - as I appear at the perfectly reasonable time of 8am....."I suppose She is going for her nap now! How ridiculous you are not an old woman!", "Are you going for a run AGAIN, don't  overdo it - you are not a YOUNG woman, after-all"). I will do well not to murder him during the 2 days. 

Then Xmas lunch with my side of the family in the afternoon, love them but at the moment there are some divisions and tensions in the undercurrent (not me directly but I am a little caught in the middle in my time-worn role (which I have been trying to shed) of 'peacemaker'. So that could go either way. Luckily it is not at our house this year - much easier to leave when it all gets to much, harder to make everyone else leave.  I have big plans to be home by 7pm in bed with chocolate and with NO GUESTS in the house. Yes, as stated I am feeling v.v. antisocial!!

Anyway, I am sure it will all be fine - and not drinking will allow me to be in a much better position to handle all the minor ups and downs (and the inevitable FIL insults). The last few days have been good and, in between some beach and pool trips. I have kept busy de-cluttering, doing puzzles and knitting - just finished a bunny for my bestie's daughter which I am proud of (lucky fluffy wool is very forgiving and doesn;t show the, no doubt, many many errors). 

Speaking of bunnies (which I have always loved because.....well, they are cute and fluffy, what is not to love?) I bought 3 adorable bunny pictures (egged on by my daughters who share my love of all furry critters). My initial intention was to hang them out of the way somewhere in her house as I new husband would not be similarly enamoured. But I put them above our headboard in our bedroom and then could not contemplate moving them. The poor man walked, clocked them and said "Oh no!" but I immediately flashed back with "But, they make me happy". He smiled at me and said "Well, that is all that matters then!" LOVE that man!


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