Day 19 - busy-ness



                                     Fairly accurate representation of our tree - down to the cat climbing in it.

All still going well this side despite the missing day. Yesterday was just too hectic to post. So busy busy at the moment. Between a client throwing a last minute curveball resulting in a ton of work to get through before the holidays, running around collecting kids at random times after exams, trying to fit in EMS training/running/any exercise and then reporting to my second job every evening of being assistant jewellery-maker in preparation for my youngest daughter's school market stall tomorrow eve - life is hectic. 

So good to have a clear head to deal with this all. Even though the work I am doing is boring as hell  challenging,  I am managing to steadily motor through it. An improvment on my approach of the last few months which involved procrastinating and allowing it to become a gigantic and treacherous mountain too big to scale. I am also loving exercise at the moment and feel really motivated - helps to wake up feeling like one's head and body are in one piece, especially since I finally started sleeping properly 2 nights ago-  woo hoo! May have overdone it slightly though as I am screeching with pain every time I move a muscle. Any muscle. My FIL always says sniffily to me as I am going off to run/do something active "Don't overdo it, you are not a YOUNG WOMAN anymore, after all!" A statement that makes me want to punch his lights out (to put it mildly). So it is annoying having that echoing around my head today.

I am also so appreciating having evenings where I have the time and space to spend quality time with my girls and get involved in such things as their market stalls instead of rushing off to drink wine. We put the Christmas tree up this evening  - I always let the girls go wild, with the result that it looks like....well, a Christmas tree (and not one of those fancy, symmetrically decorated and color-coded ones). My little nuggets of wisdom "Maybe not SO many decorations on one branch" and "Oooh, maybe not the purple and the red baubles together this time" are completely ignored. Love their excitement though and, even though they are bigger kids now, the magic has still not gone. I am looking forward to spending this holiday time with them fully present  (and beating off the wine witch with a giant candy cane).

Off to (hopefully) sleep well again tonight. Best I be well rested for the market that is going to involve many holiday-crazed small people tomorrow night! 



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