Day 13 - goals


                                                 Cute snuggle buds......unrelated to post!

Gosh, this was a post that almost didn't happen. It took me one hour to get into my own blog, these computery things are NOT a strength of mine! Luckily day 13 has been a good day, technical failings notwithstanding.

I did a great EMS (Electical muscle stimulation) training session this morning.  It is unbelievable how long 20 minutes can feel when you are strapped into a constrictive suit, being mildly electrocuted and being put through your paces by an unspeakably cheery 20 year old gym bunny. I love this training (and even the cheery bunnies) as it is so effective and great for strength which helps with my running. I have been shockingly inconsistant in going to my sessions this year but...... bygones, consitancy with this and other aspects of my life is a key part of my plan going forward.

I felt so good after the session today which made me reflect on all the other sessions I have done this year where I have felt like a half-dead, rotting squirrel carcass. Nothing like a hectic workout + moderate to severe hangover + electrical current to bring on the nastiest nausea and the meanest migraine. Today, was just good old fashioned exhausted nausea without an undertone of last night's wine and a hint of shame. It felt so so much better.

I also have realised in the last few days that my running and general fitness have taken such a hit this year as there has been nothing to train for. This has definitely had an impact on my mental health. For me, exercise is therapy -  no matter how bad I feel before a run or workout I always always feel better afterwards. But I need goals, people! So I am now training for a 21km at the end of Feb (which may or may not happen - COVID, I am looking at you!) but regardless I will run that distance. Even if we are forced back into lockdown and I have to run round and round the garden with mystified dogs and cats looking on. 

My other (biggest) goal is to get to 100 days alcohol free (note - v.v.likely to be extended indefininitely but I am working on the closer more achievable goals first, rather than 'forever'). My plan is to throw myself a party with cake and prizes when I reach it .......and then decide on the next goal. 

Side note: I am currently reading Lotta Dann's (of Mrs D is going without) fabulous new book 'The Wine O'clock myth' and nodding along in recognition. One of the main things one notices when emerging from the alcohol fog is how bombarded we are with those 'alcohol is NECESSARY for life' messages. I took my younger daughter to an animated movie this afternoon and (because I am like the wine police when I stop drinking) I noticed that wine appeared in the movie on 3 separate occasions. Did I mention that the movie was animated??? For kids, yes???

Right, I am happily sober and in bed getting ready for the good nights sleep I have been promised by my Quit Drinking app. It says in bold print around 2 weeks is when it improves - so I am holding the App to that. 



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